Tuesday, May 8, 2012


A prank a day keeps the psychiatrist away....
(....at least if you're doing it right - otherwise it could drive someone crazy)

I only have one serious rule about pranking:
it CANNOT be mean or at the expense of someone.

I prefer pranks that, once pranked, make you feel like you may actually be dreaming....

The Fuzband got pranked this past week...
While he was distracted one day, I took all the Crunch Berry cereal out of the box...

...I hid most of the cereal away in a tupperware, and saved one bowl's worth to cover...

...the PENCILS that i put in the cereal box (being careful to ensure the weight was approximately the same)...

...then I put that one bowl's worth of cereal back in, just to hide the pencils.....

...then I waited....
...and fell asleep....

The next morning I kept talking about how I might have some cereal, or how I was so glad we picked up milk the day before so that we could eat some cereal..... And the Fuzband admitted that he tried to eat some Crunch Berries the night before!!!

Sadly, I missed the actual moment, but here's how it went down:

Fuzband goes to get some cereal - He pours it out and CLANK, pencils???
- Hmm (he thinks to himself) she must have wanted the last bowl of cereal for herself...
Oh, what a silly Fuzband.  I'm still not sure I understand how that brain works.

...and the pencils are still there.

Do you play fun pranks on people? (emphasis on FUN)

- I remember living with my brother-in-law and finding a mannequin head in the freezer one day.  That was a double-take for sure.
- Another time I filled the freezer completely FULL of Hot Pockets because Fuzband loves them.  (Funnily, he didn't even notice when he was sent to the freezer for a popsicle...and the end result was that he got totally sick of Hot Pockets afterwards)

At Fuzband's office, they play quite creative pranks on each other (VERY much like Jim & Dwight from The Office).
- Fuzband was once sent on a scavenger hunt that consisted of 35 clues, one of which was in the toilet tank.  The prize at the end was a map, that led to where the batteries were buried for a Christmas Homer Simpson Santa that resides in the office....
- Fuzyband recently used clear scotch tape on a co-worker's desk: he taped the chair wheels, the drawers shut, the scissors closed, the headphone jack JUST out of reach of the speaker plug, taped post-its together, and all sorts of other tomfoolery...
- When I used to work at the same office, I held a fake birthday for the manager, and a fake bat mitzvah for a co-worker.  That place is silly.

- My FAVORITE prank ever that was done on Fuzband at the office was when he just went to the bathroom on a normal day, used it quickly, opened up the door to return to his desk, and BAM - was faced with an entire WALL of PAPER that prevented him from walking out of the bathroom.  He had to bust through it like the Kool-Aid Man!

Love in a Dream,
Misses Mussystache

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