Sunday, February 13, 2011

While Lazily Laying on the Couch...

~ I mixed up 2 batches of facewash.
(One I will strain tonight after dinner and have Lavender Fashwash/Astringent this time - the other, I will leave in a cool place for a while and shake occasionally - I want it to be very potent)

~ Made some deoderant.
(This time I am using one of those deoderant containers that has the small holes on the top and is usually filled with gel deoderant - I got rid of the gel crap first - this container works AWESOMELY!)

~ Made an APPLE CIDER vinegar rinse for my hair
(Very much looking forward to trying this)

~ Mixed together my first batch of dry laundry detergent.
(Also VERY much looking forward to trying THIS!)


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